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Lake Avenue

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London Borough of Havering

About the Project:

Following refusal of a previous scheme, we worked with the architect to redesign the scheme to overcome the objections. We retained the same number of dwellings but amended the design to accord more with the character of the area and reduce the impact on the neighbouring occupants.

We prepared a robust Planning Statement justifying the development and following the submission we closely liaised with the planning officers to ensure the application was determined in a timely manner.

Planning permission was granted for the three dwellings subject to s106 agreement.

Project Highlights

  • Closely working with the architect and client to amend the design in response to a refusal.
  • No reduction in the number of units proposed.
  • Delivering an s106 agreement for smaller education contributions before CIL regulations came into force.

Client Testimonial

“Very pleased with the service provided by Planning Insight. Would happily recommend their expertise to anyone seeking planning permission.”

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