Published: 21.09.17
Today we received the news that an appeal submitted against Brentwood Borough Council has been allowed in addition to a full award of costs. The appeal case was against the decision by the Local Authority to refuse the following application:
‘to raise the roof ridge to convert existing bungalow into a two storey dwelling, to include two storey side and rear extension, first floor side extension and canopy to front’.
Saved Policy H7 states that extensions to existing single storey dwellings will be restricted to one storey. The Inspector stated that ‘the Revised Local Plan was adopted in 2005. I have no grounds to dispute the appellant’s contention that the Council’s most recent date indicates a greater demand for larger family sized housing within Brentwood than one bedroom, single storey units. My attention is also drawn to recent instances where the council have approved extension to single storey dwellings…These material considerations indicate an exception to saved policy H7 of the RLP’
In awarding costs, the Inspector stated that the Council did not have proper regard to its previous decision in determining the current scheme, introducing two entirely new reasons for refusal that were not reflected in the previous decision.
We are absolutely delighted with the outcome and wish our client ever success in implementing the now granted permission.
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